Monday, 13 November 2017

                          WANDERING VICTIMS

You invent things like great technology,
But can't protect a human? Pity.
You make thousands and thousands of theories,
But end up keeping quite when something demises.

You achieve your dreams, higher and higher,
But stop on seeing an assault; liar oh liar.
You want to change the country so big,
But allow a person harass a girl.

You make planning so complicated,
But can't wrestle with a kidnapper.
You make arrangements as dated,
But can't stop a person assaulting, which matters.

You make many motivating speeches,
But can't take away society's leeches.
You make heavy plans of big dreams,
But don't know how to save a gleam?

You may have reached the highest star,
But if the rape cases are blasting the news,
Then don't you think some convicts should be behind the bars??  
                                - A.N.D

Sunday, 15 October 2017



    There once upon a time,
Stood a girl with silent hair.
It was a scene, calm and fine,
You can relax a while in just a glare.

The breeze was blowing, high and wide,
her hair were dancing like a peacock.
Her eyes showed vigorous spark abide,
Her pupils twikkered around the clock. 

She had a very big smile on her lips, 
As if the greatest joy she has conquered.
Oh, she looked like a blossomed tulip,
She was an angel, I enquired.

She spoke a few words in the sweetest voice,
As if a harp situates her throat.
Then she said she had been wondering,
Whether I came directly from heaven or by a boat.

I told her the words describing her beauty,
She just smiled with a silent chuckle.
Let me reveal the mystery of this riddle,
This beautiful woman in My Mother....
                                                                       - A. N. D

Saturday, 16 September 2017

                                   Why just girls???????

Boys can fight, break bones so hard,

Girls are told, "You are light, honey." go read in the bard

Boys are told, get out and play,

Girls are told, be in and stay.

Boys are told to be courageous and brave,

Girls are told to just be timid and there would be a prince to save.

Boys can drive any how, at any speed,

Girls are told to drive safely or they may bleed.

Boys are told to make things bright,

Girls are told to make things light.

Boys are told to talk freely whatever they wish,

Don't say that girl, you will perish.

Boys are told to play hard sweat games,

Girls are told to spend time in kitchen so lame.

Boys are told to play as well as study,

Girls are merely told to do the goddamn girlish duties.

All work and no play had always made JACK a dull boy,

Why not Jill?

Practice always makes a MAN perfect,

Why not a WOMAN.

A Prince would come to save you,

Why can't you become the saviour?

Why wait for a person who you are not sure will even come or not.

be the next brave warrior.

You don't have to stay in a tower,

For a person to shout from the end of the staircase.

You don't have to wait for the end of the month salary of your husband,

Because you will be getting stronger in some days.

in preference to the Women empowerment mission!!




Thursday, 3 August 2017

                             Complicated life!!!!!

You enter the world, without a word.
Your cries surround the room,
You look here and there alone.
But then you see faces that gloom...

You think that you can't do anything,
What those big ones do.
They just hold you in their big arms,
You think the smallest creature is you.

Then you enter the childhood,
When your innocency takes hold.
And people love you just because,
" cute." You were told.

But still you think nobody listens to,
A little budding flower like you.
And you complain about your dear life,
Don't deny it, its true.

Then you enter the great teenage,
You like the independence you get.
Your friends become life, fun become style,
And you constantly keep bets.

But teenage mood swings get over you,
Anxiety, anger and irritation.
And you think that nobody understands you,
Depression, stress and frustration...

Then you enter the astonishing adulthood,
With all the money around your head.
And you make a good fortune or not,
You would have a partner in bed.

But then you would sometime feel lazy to work,
Worries of the world in your mind.
Even if its related to tax or not,
You can never say that money is yours or mine....

Then you enter the old age,
Diseases creeping on your body.
But then you think what a boring life you had,
It could have been better like dad.... 
                                                                     -Anushka Dabhade

Friday, 14 July 2017

                                                     POEM 1

                                        DEW DROPS ON MY WINDOW........                              

 I wondered when the small circles hit the glass,
whether they were mixed or pure.
I wondered when the cold icy winds,
had many drops of endure....

It was a cold hard face of a rusty weather,
Stones were going rocky and chattering,
Like a very downward motion,
The strong voice of the birds chirping.

When I heard the kids splashing in the puddles,
and the people growling about the leakage.
The raincoats were held in the windows of the houses,
And the people are complaining about the bad drainage.

But inside, there is a very uncanny silence,
Walls are still and you can only hear the chattering of the rain.
It seems like the 3 musketeers are rampaging on the wall,
And the french revolution is taking place on the lane.

Much after the rains going cats and dogs,
I saw the environment outside.
The dew drops on my window,
Were sharing experiences of adventure of far and wide.......πŸ˜•πŸ˜


Monday, 29 May 2017


    'People who just love reading things and are completely  mad about them...."

You might be thinking that patience may not always lead you to peace. There might be fire inside you and you could be wondering what is happening to you and why are you mostly the caught victim of anger. Try Yoga. But there is one more thing you can do when such situations occur. WRITE or READ

It is scientifically proven,that writing teaches you to condense your thoughts, arrange them in a way that makes sense to people outside your head, and then find the right words to explain those thoughts. And reading? well you know the benefits. It increases your vocabulary, thought process, elaboration power and many other things you need to lead a happy life. When you read and write, your brain doesn't stress much and it soothes your mind.

Here, you would be getting stories, articles and poems which for some, might become a lesson, for some it might become a reason to smile and for some, it might just be a recreation. But here, these writings are meant for, not only when you are angry but also when all your senses are at rest but your eyes are thirsty for some good words. Just take a look at them.

                                    HIDDEN HAPPINESS.... I remember the day when my sole happiness was taken away from me. Not by my p...