Thursday, 10 May 2018

                                         The Variable 'X'

From childhood, we used to see Professor X of the X-MEN saving the day with the assistance of his mutant students. When there came the civil wars or even a mutant-human war. Every time the mind controlling supernatural mind, saved the day. Even if we didn't realise it, that X entered our life, we kept on underestimating the variable...

Now, we know that teenage and X are directly relative terms. We solved hundreds of equations and made thousands of formulae and expressions. But still each time the answer is different. We used all the possible methods, but still, the value of the damn X remains variable.

This X is like millions of people in the world who do not know the actuality of their destiny. They wander, make equations and solve them. But then, again, they come around and they come upon the conclusion of absolute nothingness. Why does it happen? Why can't X have a certain value and life it's life independently, not harnessing the poor souls? This might be the question rising in your mind.
But people can be related to this mysterious being. As X changes its values, people change their colours. And thus, because of the greed of more satisfying answers, this equation of life again...FAILS.

- A.N.D

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